Khlopkov Anton

Khlopkov Anton

Director of the Center for Energy and Security Studies (Russia)

Director of the Center for Energy and Security Studies (Russia).

Born in 1978 in Protvino, Moscow region.

Anton Khlopkov is a graduate of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). The topic of his master paper is Russian-Iranian Nuclear Energy Cooperation and Nonproliferation: Technological and Legal Aspects.

His research interests include regional aspects of WMD nonproliferation.

He is an author of the monograph The Iranian Nuclear Program and US-Russian Relations, and a co-author of the book Nuclear Nonproliferation in US-Russian Relations: Challenges and Opportunities, Cooperating For Global Security: International Programs Assisting Russia's Disarmament & Nonproliferation Efforts. Khlopkov's last publication is Iran's Missile And Nuclear Challenge: A Conundrum For Russia.

In 2001-2002 he served as a member of PFP Consortium Working Group on nonproliferation and export controls. On March 2002, Anton Khlopkov took part in the work of the Group of Governmental Experts to Prepare a United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education.