The President of the European Jewish Congress: With Iran Co-Operate About 10 000 European Companies, And the Turn-Over Makes nearby 100 Mlrd
About 10 000 companies in Europe still co-operate with Iran in sphere of its development of gas and petroleum branches.It was declared on September, 15th in Bruxelles by the president of the European Jewish congress (EEK) Vyacheslav Moshe Kantor, have informed news agency REGNUM in press-service EEK. According to the Cantor, it is a question about "the market which turn-over makes about 100 billion dollars".
Acting with comments for journalists upon termination of meeting of the international experts on nuclearnon-distribution, the Cantor has declared, that "cooperation proceeds, and even large member countries of the European Union cannot stop the investment of the business cycles into working out process nuclear weapon by Iran".
According to the chairman of the European Jewish congress if will be found obvious that proof, that Iran is intended to receive the nuclear weapon and delivery systems, it is necessary to stop this state on behalf of the United Nations, "even if the power decision for this purpose is required".
Having underlined, that Iran is not the party to an agreement about non-distribution of the nuclear weapon, the Cantor has added: "the Question consists not in, whether military operation of Israel and the USA, and in will be authorised stopping the nuclear program of Iran as it represents danger to all world".
In its opinion, all "should be conducted on the lawful bases" and within the limits of United Nations resolutions.
Russian expert Vladimir Dvorkin believes, that the least consequences of accident are possible in the event that Iran to the first will undergo to preventive blow. Dvorkin has declared, that "will be more problems if we begin to wait while Iran will have a nuclear weapon".
Experts during meeting have underlined, that economic sanctions against Iran are inefficient, as do not mention the most vulnerable part of the Iranian population. In particular, any criticism of the nuclear program is considered by Iranians as threat to position of the state on international scene and promotes consolidation of company round an acting management.
At meeting of a round table there were analysts from Russia, the USA, the Great Britain, Norway, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands and Czechia.